University digital learning systems ‘verging on embarrassing’ | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Universities must embrace digital learning or face losing out to competitors, according to the head of the UK’s massive open online course platform.

FutureLearn chief executive Simon Nelson said that, while the campus-based degree would “always have its place”, there was “no room for complacency”.

In a lecture to the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), he argued that institutions that did not grasp the potential of online learning would be overtaken by rival providers.

“Universities need to recognise that though the prize may today seem tiny next to their core business, things are only going in one direction,” Mr Nelson said. “The sooner they go through the organisational pain of putting digital first in every area, the sooner leadership can be established in a rapidly changing market.”

Via Elizabeth E Charles