Learning the computational mindset – education researchers give perspective | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
“This is a real statement about where the focus should be — on teaching computational thinking, or on making computing better,” Guzdial says. “We’re arguing that it’s the latter.”

The computational thinking movement, write the authors, argues that humans need to change the way they think to be more informed by how they work with computers. In short, it was the job of educators and students to adapt to the new computational reality. It’s understood that this new way of thinking will have problem-solving advantages for the humans.

Instead, the authors counter that modern children already think with computation after being shaped by the prolific digital tools that fill their lives. Therefore, better thinking and problem solving should come from improved computing that in turn changes our teaching. In their view, it’s the job of computer scientists to design better tools.

Via John Evans