Beyond Ramps: Universal Design Enhances Learning for All Students- ACC Newsroom | UDL - Universal Design for Learning |

Steven Christopher, ACC Director of Special Populations at Austin Community Colleges explains universal design and offers tips to faculty on how to incorporate Universal Design in their instruction.


> "Use delivery methods that recognize a range of abilities, backgrounds, and previous experiences. Don’t rely solely on lecture; incorporate, discussion, hands-on activities, case studies, and projects.

> Use a consistent, intuitive format for all print and electronic materials. Print materials should be available in electronic format; webpages should include text descriptions of graphics. Presentation materials should be legible with sufficient spacing. Videos should be closed-captioned.

> Promote different types of interaction with your students – not just face-to-face, in-class discussion, but also online interaction.

> Offer frequent and flexible options for students to demonstrate knowledge – not only tests, but also group work, portfolios, and presentations. Make sure feedback is uniform and frequent.

> Ensure that classroom, labs, and fieldwork are accessible for a range of physical abilities. Minimize the need for unnecessary physical travel by making materials available online or allowing work to be submitted electronically."