BC UDL Project Wiki - Training Resources, UDL Lessons and More! | UDL - Universal Design for Learning | Scoop.it

This wiki has a wealth of resources from the BC Universal Design for Learning project that was a Ministry of Education funded initiative to assist pilot school districts in implementing principles and building infrastructure for UDL. 


Training resources used in the project are housed on this wiki along with UDL resources, a suggested plan for a year-long study of UDL, updates on other UDL initiatives in BC, and links to social bookmark lists, blogs and wikis created by UDL project members.


"The project was conducted from September 2007 to June 2010. Pilot schools in the project received release time and training in UDL principles and technologies. They also received UDL Toolkits consisting of technology and software to help implement UDL. During the year, the teams designed and taught UDL lessons which they contributed to the BC UDL Learning Object Repository."  (http://www.setbc.org/bcudl/)