UDL in the Classroom - Reaching All Students with Technology - Classroom 2.0 | UDL - Universal Design for Learning | Scoop.it

Lisa Parisi will be presenting on UDL in the Classroom at the 2012 Social Learning Summit.  Here is a description of the presentation that will be filled with great strategies in using social media in a UDL classroom.


"Short Session Description: Participants will learn how to use Web 2.0 tools, social media, and cloud technology to reach all students.


Full Session Description: We, as educators, are faced with many different challenges. We have a large amount of curriculum to cover, tests our students must do well on, and a public who believes one size fits all works in the classroom. Our students are getting burned out quickly. And one size fits all does not take into account the learning disabled child, the ADHD child, the hearing impaired child, the bored child, the struggling reader, the math phobic child, the artistic child, the leader, the follower, or any other "out of the norm" student (whatever that might be). Web 2.0 tools afford us the opportunity to help all students meet the curricular requirements, demonstrate knowledge, learn, and enjoy school. Learn how to use collaborative tools such as Google docs, presentation tools like Glogster, and research tools such as Discovery Streaming to enliven your classroom. Today, there is no excuse for not reaching all children. Come hear how easy it is."