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From Artificial Intelligence to Superintelligence

From Artificial Intelligence to Superintelligence | Technology in Business Today |
Future Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Superintelligence or ASI, sometimes referred to as digital superintelligence is the advent of a hypothetical agent that possesses intelligence far surpassing that of the smartest and most gifted human minds.

Credit Science Time
Fernandez's curator insight, November 25, 2020 2:15 AM
Lets get into the intelligence of our minds and see where the future technology is taking us.
jg's curator insight, December 16, 2020 1:38 PM
Film zawarty w artykule opowiada o rozwoju Sztucznej Inteligencji w teraźniejszym świecie i o poważnych zagrożeniach z niego wynikających, np. poprzez militaryzację. Technologiczny wyścig zbrojeń podejmuje wiele krajów, a ich celem jest wynalezienie Super-inteligentnej SI. Taki umysł miałby przewyższać intelektualne możliwości człowieka pod każdym aspektem. Według twórców filmu ten stan rzeczy może doprowadzić do rządów autorytarnych lub przejęcia przez korporację kontroli nad rynkiem. Naukowcy spekulują o potrzebie ustanowienia granic możliwości SI, tak by przynosiły tylko pożytek dla ludzkości.
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Elon Musk's message on Artificial Superintelligence

Elon Musk's message on Artificial Superintelligence | Technology in Business Today |
Artificial intelligence

Elon Musk is on the record stating that artificial superintelligence or ASI could bring the end of the human race.

Credit Science Time
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How AI is going to Impact Healthcare in Future ?

How AI is going to Impact Healthcare in Future ? | Technology in Business Today |
Future Healthcare

How AI is going to Impact Healthcare in Future ?

Credit MyStartup TV
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Android Art: AI Robot opens First Commercial Show in London

Android Art: AI Robot opens First Commercial Show in London | Technology in Business Today |

Ai-Da, as she's known, is intended to provoke discussions about the future of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Credit AP Archive
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Defining the Future with AI

Defining the Future with AI | Technology in Business Today |
Future Artificial Intelligence

Two of Wellington's Faculty of Engineering students discuss the research they are conducting as part of their postgraduate degrees.

Credit Victoria University of Wellington
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The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence | Technology in Business Today |
The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Professsor Murray Shanahan, Professor of Cognitive Robotics, Imperial College London explored the future of AI in this talk in November 2016.

Credit Friends of Imperial College
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How Blockchain & AI are leading the way to 4th Industrial Revolution?

How Blockchain & AI are leading the way to 4th Industrial Revolution? | Technology in Business Today |
To an average user, artificial intelligence (AI) is something more of a Scifi or science fiction thing, but it is already deeply embedded in the basic processes people have become accustomed to. For example spam filters, ride sharing apps, facial recognition etc. are all possible today because of AI.
Namrata Datta's curator insight, March 12, 2020 3:50 AM
AI is changing the world around us and we are unaware of many facts. Have a look 
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Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence | Technology in Business Today |
Artificial Intelligence
It is not the first time Musk has made frightening predictions about the potential of artificial intelligence — he has, for example, called AI vastly more dangerous than North Korea — and he has previously called for regulatory oversight.

Credit to : ritm 1
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Why do we need Artificial Intelligence in Medicine?

Why do we need Artificial Intelligence in Medicine? | Technology in Business Today |
Why do we need Artificial Intelligence in Medicine?

Why do We Need Artificial Intelligence In Medicine? Kurt Zatloukal, M.D. is professor of pathology at the Medical University of Graz, Austria and head of the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine. His research focuses on the's comment, October 23, 2019 8:38 AM
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4 Ways Chatbots Are Changing the World

4 Ways Chatbots Are Changing the World | Technology in Business Today |
Anything worthwhile starts with a conversation. And as an application of artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots have the potential to catalyze developments in industries. A smart route to automating rendered services, chatbots create opportunities to improve customer engagement and operational efficacy in businesses. From customer relations, to IT helpdesks, human resource FAQs, marketing, and sales, chatbots are now practically everywhere. In fact, the global chatbot industry is projected to reach $5.6 million by 2023. As companies like Facebook and Telegram are already providing their won platforms are chatbots, industries are fast developing chatbot applications to add value and drive change. With its growing use cases, chatbots are starting to dominate mobile consumer markets and progressive digital industries. With that in mind, here are four ways chatbots are changing the world: Finance Chatbots Nearly 75% of all bank interactions currently take place online and via mobile devices. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Capital One have had in-app chatbots for years now that aim to optimize the banking experience. AI-fueled chatbots provide conversational banking to customers and automate replies that are helping to personalize financial transactions. With chatbots on the frontline, bankers and consumers now enjoy multi-channel and omnipresent customer service from their banks. Mortgage and loan chatbots are key developments in conversational banking. With bots that are constantly learning, the speed of response and transactions are improving on a daily basis. As a result, the less human involvement in transactions also reduces costs, risks, and errors. Health Chatbots Chatbots are also shaping the health industry. With natural language processing, health chatbots are being used for a range of things such as discussing symptom to automating appointment bookings. Instead of scouring sites like Mayo Clinic and WebMD, the Sensely chatbot provides patients with access to symptoms and health information at their fingertips. Meanwhile, chatbots like SafeDrugBot enables doctors to immediately view pertinent drug information and any safety considerations – providing data-driven support at the palm of their hand. With instant AI-powered assistance, health professionals will be able to cater to their patients better than ever before. Legal Chatbots One of the key areas to overcome in legal tech right now is automating eDiscovery. Companies are racing to find the quickest ways to categorize documents by relevance – and as accurately as possible. With machine learning, more legal firms are investing in "predictive coding" to maximize both precision and recall when it comes to tagging legal documents. Using natural language processing found in chatbots, translation company SDL provides a Multilingual eDiscovery Solution to access foreign language case-related content. Processing and collecting electronically stored evidence in itself already presents a legal challenge. It becomes even more challenging if the evidence has been stored across international borders, the obstacles of which are explained in Special Counsel's 'Cross-Border eDiscovery: An Introduction to Cultural and Legal Obstacles'. With this technology, contextual language will no longer be a barrier and tagging and recalling evidence will just be a chat away. Dealership Chatbots Car dealerships can be stressful and complicated places for consumers to navigate. With the deployment of automotive chatbots on platforms like Facebook, car buyers can now compare car prices through a single conversation. Chatbots in the automotive industry can even answer complex dealer-specific questions, according to Martech Today. From browsing inventory, to determining car trade-in values, checking credit scores to whether they pre-qualify for finance offers, or simply making appointments, consumers are afforded valuable information 24/7.
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Breaking Down the Basics of Artificial Intelligence

Breaking Down the Basics of Artificial Intelligence | Technology in Business Today |
Breaking Down the Basics of Artificial IntelligenceIn this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Mars Discovery District talks wtih Kathryn Hume, the VP of Product and Strategy at about the most important facts around artificial intelligence.

Hume describes AI as anything computers can'
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13 major Artificial Intelligence Trends to Watch for in 2018

13 major Artificial Intelligence Trends to Watch for in 2018 | Technology in Business Today |
Artificial Intelligence isn’t only limited to powerful supercomputers and big devices; it is also becoming a part and parcel of smartphones and wearable devices and equipment. Edge computing is emerging as the next big area in AI.
Geoff Livingston's curator insight, July 11, 2018 11:14 AM

Round of AI movements across the American industry.

Richard Platt's curator insight, July 11, 2018 6:39 PM

First was big data, and then came cloud, then the machine learning frenzy. We reached peak machine learning in 2017.

Last year investors pumped in over $15.2B in funding to AI startups across multiple industries. It was a 141% spike in funding from 2016.  Over 1,100 new AI companies have raised their first rounds of funding since 2016. And that’s more than half the historic number of AI startups that have ever raised an equity round. The normalization and mainstreaming of machine learning will make investors picky about the AI companies they fund.

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Artificial Intelligence - The Apex Technology of the Information Age

Artificial Intelligence - The Apex Technology of the Information Age | Technology in Business Today |
A Video from Goldman Sachs featuring how Artificial Intelligence is going to share business and society in the Future
rodrick rajive lal's curator insight, December 20, 2016 10:38 PM
The age of Artificial Intelligence is finally here. Google's announcement of its plans for working on Artificial Intelligence is proof that AI is here to stay. The only problem is lest AI should takeover human decisions and in fact override executive decisions. The vulnerabilty of IOT, and Augmented Reality however is a matter of concern. We need to prevent the possibility of rogue AI wreaking a havoc in the society. Imagine what would happen if terrorists could gain control of airplanes and trains run by Artificial Intelligence. Firewalls, and overriding systems will have to be integrated into AI.
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Discover Cal - Artificial Intelligence

Discover Cal - Artificial Intelligence | Technology in Business Today |
Artificial intelligence

How can robotic technology enhance the lives of current and future generations? What potential benefits do machine learning and data systems hold for shaping the way we live?

Credit UC Berkeley: Light the Way
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The AI Revealing the Truth of Cable News

The AI Revealing the Truth of Cable News | Technology in Business Today |
Technology in Business

An artificial intelligence lab at Stanford University has created some of the most powerful and controversial video manipulation and analysis technology ever imagined.

Credit Bloomberg QuickTake
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Solving Societal Challenges with Artificial Intelligence

Solving Societal Challenges with Artificial Intelligence | Technology in Business Today |
Artificial Intelligence

Meet one of the creators who built a first-of-its-kind enterprise digital meeting assistant and a criminologists using AI to transforms and empower communities.

Credit Cisco
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Can Artificial Intelligence Tell What a Guilty Person Looks Like?

Can Artificial Intelligence Tell What a Guilty Person Looks Like? | Technology in Business Today |
Facial recognition
Facial recognition is going mainstream. The technology is increasingly used by law-enforcement agencies and in schools, casinos and retail stores, spurring privacy concerns. In this episode of Moving Upstream, WSJ's Jason Bellini tests out the technology at an elementary school in
mohammed obaid's curator insight, September 29, 2020 11:54 PM
facial recognition is extremely important nowadays with all these random school shootings. this technology is needed more than anything else in my opinion. it is a little too much to know and track people wherever they go, whenever they come, and what they do, but its a safe action to take to boost school and workplace safety. for instance, going to Walmart for grocery shopping, as an employer or business owner, first i need to secure my workplace, second i need to know what my customers like and dislike, and third know when they come and how long they stay etc... what i mean is that this technology can be used a lot more in a positive way than in a negative way, and it is important to have today to secure your students, employees, and customers.
jg's curator insight, December 17, 2020 12:57 PM
Film zawarty w artykule prezentuje przykłady zastosowania technologii rozpoznawania twarzy, takich jak np. szkoła, do której wejść mogą tylko osoby zidentyfikowane przez system rozpoznawania twarzy. Celem takich rozwiązań zazwyczaj jest zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa. Jednak pewne przedsiębiorstwo posługuje się Sztuczną Inteligencją, by stworzyć model mający rozpoznawać potencjalnych terrorystów na podstawie wyglądu ich twarzy i jej wyrazu. Badaczka nazywa to oprogramowanie rasistowskim algorytmem.
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A.I. Technology: Can it replace Human Connections?

A.I. Technology: Can it replace Human Connections? | Technology in Business Today |
A.I. Technology: Can it replace Human Connections?'s comment, August 31, 2020 1:43 PM
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The Future is Now | Life after Artificial Intelligence

The Future is Now | Life after Artificial Intelligence | Technology in Business Today |
The Future is Now | Life after Artificial Intelligence

When 20 years ago, a computer beat a human at chess, it marked the dawn of Artificial Intelligence, as we know it.These days, neural networks, deep learning and all types of sensors allow AI to be used in healthcare, to operate self-driving car
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Startup Introduces Robots with Unprecedented AI Capabilities

Startup Introduces Robots with Unprecedented AI Capabilities | Technology in Business Today |
Unprecedented AI Capabilities
Warehouse robots, of course, are nothing new, but Covariant officials say the technology they’ve developed is different. The system, named Covariant Brain, offers a universal AI system that allows robots to learn new abilities.

Credit to : Thomas's curator insight, March 4, 2020 8:23 AM

AI is the future of Technology 

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AI + Robotics: How Technology is impacting Innovation

AI + Robotics: How Technology is impacting Innovation | Technology in Business Today |
AI + Robotics: How Technology is impacting Innovation

Technology is increasingly impacting business performance in all kinds of ways - both good and bad. It’s opening up LOTS of new opportunities - but is also quite disruptive.
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Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI

Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI | Technology in Business Today |
"Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI," examines the extraordinary ways in which people are interacting with AI today. Hobbyists and teenagers are now developing tech powered by machine learning and WIRED shows the impacts of AI on schoolchildren and farmers and senior citizens, as well as looking at the implications that rapidly accelerating technology can have. The film was directed by filmmaker Chris Cannucciari, produced by WIRED, and supported by McCann Worldgroup.
Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence 's comment, September 26, 2019 7:51 AM
Learn how to train Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to automatically generates intents (Questions) from a body of text and to answer them.
tlin's curator insight, October 23, 2019 6:48 PM
In the age of AI, AI has replaced many labors to finish their jobs. In the future of medicine, I believe it can replace more accurate medical procedures.  
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The Future of Shopping in the Age of AI

The Future of Shopping in the Age of AI | Technology in Business Today |
The Future of Shopping in the Age of AI

Is artificial intelligence the future of shopping? Will AI be able to
provide consumers with a personalized, seamless shopping experience in
the future?
Rory Sutherland believes that most of the time, humans don’t know what
they want until they see it.
Wyatt Mizell's comment, September 20, 2019 10:58 AM
I found this article very interesting because when I need groceries i usually use amazon and they come in installation bags so that the cold foods such as produce stay cold
Wyatt Mizell's curator insight, September 20, 2019 2:42 PM
This video describes on how Artificial Intelligence is used through online shopping. One of the drawbacks this video explains is that online shopping only shows you what you type into the computer and not any new things that you have not seen before. Also, shopping online for yourself only provides a limited amount of information where as for an example you could go into a store and see what other peoples inputs are for the certain item you want to buy. It was estimated that 2.3 trillion dollars were spent in a year for online shopping but that is only 10% of how much people spend on all types of shopping throughout the year.
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AI can track 200 eye movements to Determine your personality traits

AI can track 200 eye movements to Determine your personality traits | Technology in Business Today |
German scientists developed software that can detect character traits through eye-tracking, according to a new study. Using over 200 actions, such as the frequency with which a person blinks, researchers found links between eye movements and personal traits, allowing the software to do the same.
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Google’s AI beats world Go champion in first of five Matches

Google’s AI beats world Go champion in first of five Matches | Technology in Business Today |
In the first of five games between the world champion of Go and Google's artificial intelligence (AI), machine beat man by a narrow margin.
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