Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
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Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
What pathways are being designed in today's schools to personalize the learning experience?
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Continuum of Ownership: Developing Autonomy

Continuum of Ownership: Developing Autonomy | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
The Continuum of Ownership demonstrates how learners move from compliance to autonomy as they become responsible and drive their learning.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Introducing the Continuum of Ownership. Discover how learners can move from compliance to autonomy.  


Chris Watkins, an independent consultant and leading authority on meta-learning in the UK and former reader at The Institute of Education, London Centre for Leadership in Learning makes these four points of what happens when learners drive the learning. When learners drive their learning,
  • it leads to greater engagement and intrinsic motivation for them to want to learn, 
  • learners setting a higher challenge for themselves, 
  • learners evaluating their own work, and 
  • better problem-solving skills.
- See more at:
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Building Learner Agency Conversations

Building Learner Agency Conversations | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Archive of #plearnchat on Learner Agency with Jim Rickabaugh as co-moderator and amazing conversations with awesome educators.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Discover the conversations we had in the #plearnchat on Dec 14th with Jim Rickabaugh, Executive Director of the Institute for Personalized Learning, co-moderating the discussion on Learner Agency. This #plearnchat followed a six-part blog series between Personalize Learning, LLC and the Institute for Personalized Learning on Learner Agency. Refer to the links in this graphic to access those blogs that dove deep into learner agency.

We want to thank all the wonderful educators who joined in the conversation in #plearnchat. 

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

What if students controlled their own learning? Peter Hutton

This talk was given at a local TEDx event in Melbourne,  produced independently of the TED Conferences.

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Discover through this TedTalk from Peter Hutton how learners take control and ownership to their learning . Peter is a school principal with a radical solution, no school bell, no school levels, staff selection and curriculum is even decided by students. Result? No bullying, collaboration, innovation in school dynamics. As Principal of Templestowe College he developed an educational model that allows learners to individualize their education and share control in the running of the school.

Lon Woodbury's curator insight, August 17, 2015 9:46 PM

What a concept.  Find a way to unleash the curiosity and passions of each student. -Lon

Debra Walker's curator insight, August 20, 2015 3:34 PM

I was fortunate in primary and secondary school.  I had empassioned teachers and administrators, and a family that supported and fostered my curiosity and a healthy respect for learning.  Not all have that fortune. 

Antonia Rudenstine's curator insight, September 23, 2015 8:54 AM

Peter Hutton desgined and runs a school in which students make the most important decisions about their learning: what to study, when and with whom. There are no grade levels, no "periods" in the day, and the staff is co-hired with students. It's been incredibly successful!

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Personalized Learning System

Personalized Learning System | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Build a human infrastructure based on the train-the-trainer model to create a self-sustaining Personalized Learning System.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:
A Personalized Learning System is a culture shift and a change in process that impacts the entire school community. Moving to learner-centered environments is more than just handing over the keys to the learner so they drive their own learning right away. This process is about developing a self-sustaining Personalized Learning System with your staff. This is about building a human infrastructure based on a train-the-trainer model where lead coaches support site coaches who support your teachers. Teachers become partners in learning with their learners as learners take ownership of their learning. - See more at:
Antonia Rudenstine's curator insight, September 18, 2013 8:18 AM

There isn't much text to accompany this graphic, but the graphic does a great job of helping us see the need for creating an ecosystem for personalization: it can't be achieved through a 1:1 relationship between a teacher and a student, let alone through a 1:25 relationship of a teacher in a class with 25 students. It requires a complete reconceptualization of roles and relationships. 

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Snare Your Students « Competency Works

Snare Your Students « Competency Works | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Students who are caught up in what they are doing don’t need to be managed, and students who succeed become self-propelling. If you can find a way to make your students' work personal and meaningful.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Barbara Weed shares a cartoon that illustrates how she snares her students.  One in particular says it all: "Let students choose the idea that is closest to their heart."  She goes on to explain the strategies she employed to give students ownership to their learning.


"I decided to see if I could get my students more engaged by letting them make all of the decisions about their projects. I still identified the concept that they needed to demonstrate, but I let the students design the work that they wanted to do in order to show that they understood the skills and concepts.


I try to provide multiple reflective opportunities to make sure that students are really invested in their choice. When my students care about their work, I can focus my attention on what they’re learning. The actual work, being on-task, and concerns about quality become non-issues. Their desire to engage makes learning seamless."

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The Stages of the Learning Independence Continuum

The Stages of the Learning Independence Continuum | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

The Institute @ CESA #1 is introducing the stages of the Learning Independence Continuum in their blog following the release of the white paper, The Learning Independence Continuum.  In their first post they provide an overview with the remaining posts focusing on one of the stages of the continuum.


> Motivation

> Engagement

> Self-efficacy

> Ownership

> Independence


"In personalized learning environments, learning activities will fall all along this continuum – at times it’s more important for the educator to drive the work, at others, the learner will take the driver’s seat. However, in order for this to happen, all of the characteristics along the continuum should be developed and nurtured in each learner."

Angie Tarasoff's comment, August 20, 2012 8:34 PM
I wonder if there isn't another stage here - or maybe it's not on the continuum at all, but somewhere else: interdependence.

I'm starting to think we don't typically learn anything independently - but through interactions with other people, or the knowledge someone else has created.
Barbara Bray's comment, August 20, 2012 11:27 PM
Angie - Yes! You are right - interdependence. How to collaborate and work in teams. There is a large push to create independent learners and expert learners. Now you have me thinking.
Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Personalize Learning: Making the Shift to "Our" Classroom

Personalize Learning: Making the Shift to "Our" Classroom | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Brian Anton, high school social studies teacher, shares how he had to change so his learners could drive their learning.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Brian shares how he transformed his classroom to a learner-centered environment and what happened in the process with his learners. Here is a glimpse of his journey:

"As teachers, it is difficult to let go of control and to let our learners find the best ways for them to achieve content and curriculum goals. To be clear, our role in the classroom needs to change, and I think the trend in education is moving the correct direction--achieving and creating a learner-driven, personalized atmosphere is the key. Providing learners with the tools to succeed should be the goal, and we should focus on allowing them to use those tools in the way that works best individually. Instead of providing the blueprint for learners to achieve a goal, educators should be allowing and guiding them in designing, developing, and implementing their plan for accomplishing it. When this happens, drastic changes take place regarding engagement in our classrooms and ownership of learning appears, leading to a higher level of achievement."

Mel A Az's curator insight, March 8, 2016 11:46 PM

Brian shares how he transformed his classroom to a learner-centered environment and what happened in the process with his learners. Here is a glimpse of his journey:

"As teachers, it is difficult to let go of control and to let our learners find the best ways for them to achieve content and curriculum goals. To be clear, our role in the classroom needs to change, and I think the trend in education is moving the correct direction--achieving and creating a learner-driven, personalized atmosphere is the key. Providing learners with the tools to succeed should be the goal, and we should focus on allowing them to use those tools in the way that works best individually. Instead of providing the blueprint for learners to achieve a goal, educators should be allowing and guiding them in designing, developing, and implementing their plan for accomplishing it. When this happens, drastic changes take place regarding engagement in our classrooms and ownership of learning appears, leading to a higher level of achievement."

Gust MEES's curator insight, May 14, 2016 9:16 PM

One of the most difficult parts of our jobs as educators is to create a learning environment where our learners are engaged and meet content and curriculum goals. From my experience, the single most important challenge that needs to be addressed to earn engagement in our classrooms is to develop a culture of learner autonomy--allowing and encouraging learners to take control of their own learning. There are many barriers that we, as educators, must work to clear in order to create a strong culture that allows our learners to feel comfortable with working toward a common goal in the way that works best for them.

- See more at:


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Iván Chávez Peñaloza's curator insight, October 9, 2020 5:52 PM
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Ownership and Independence – The Keys to Learner Agency

Ownership and Independence – The Keys to Learner Agency | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

 As part of our blog series on Learner Agency, Jean Garrity of the Institute for Personalized Learning shares importance of ownership and independence in learning.

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

As the fifth post in our blog series on Learner Agency, Jean Garrity shares about a visit to an elementary classroom in an urban district in southeast Wisconsin where she was drawn to an eight year old boy named William. 

Jean reflected and provided strategies for teachers on the following questions:

  • How can educators support learners like William and increase their sense of ownership? 
  • How can educators help learners become more independent? 

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

10 Trends for Personalized Learning in 2014

10 Trends for Personalized Learning in 2014 | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Bray and McClaskey provide the Top 10 Trends for Personalized Learning in 2014
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Here are the top 10 trends for personalized learning in 2014:


1. Change the Language to "Learner" not Student

2. Build a Common Language

3. Connect  the Dots

4. Plan First

5. Watch out for Shiny Objects

6. Encourage Learner Voice and Agency

7. Provide Opportunities for Choice so Learners Own and Drive their Learning

8. Encourage Instrinsic Motivation

9. See More Competency-Based Systems

10. Start Small and Take the Time You Need To Make it Work


 See more at:


Barbara Bray's curator insight, January 5, 2014 10:47 PM

2014 is the year for Personalized Learning to take center stage in national and international discussions. The buzz is out. Yet, the information around personalized learning is still confusing. This new year will be the year that defines the term where we focus on the learner first. 

Like the webcomic? This is from Unearthed Comics (

Mickey Gast's curator insight, February 11, 2014 7:48 PM

What personalized learning is and how it can be optimized. Now that learning is available to "the masses", what is preventing "the masses" from taking advantage of learning opportunities?

Don Breedwell's curator insight, March 26, 2014 8:47 PM

I like to see good change and this looks like the right direction. Going to make the changes in vocabulary now. 

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

If students designed their own school…

If students designed their own school… | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

A public high school actually allowed some students to design their own semester and run it themselves.

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

This video gives you an inside look at what happens when you give the learner ownership to their learning. The Independent Project was so successful at Monument Mountain Regional High School, they did it again and has been duplicated in other schools. This is an example of what a Stage Three personalized learning environment is - learner-driven. (


A thank you goes out to Principal Marianne Young who agreed to the Independent Project and the learners who demonstrated to the world what a learner-driven environment is and what it can do for the diverse learner in all of us!

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Learning Independence Continuum: Ownership

Learning Independence Continuum: Ownership | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

This is the fourth in a five part series on the Learning Independence Continuum produced by the Institute @ CESA #1.


"Ownership implies that learners have a sense of control over their learning and often leads them to view learning as something that cannot be taken from them. Ownership of learning transfers responsibility for success from educators and other adults to the learner. As a result, learners tend to place greater value on and take greater pride in their learning.


A growing sense of ownership often leads learners to shift from a compliance orientation to commitment. The question in their minds moves from “How much must I do?” to “What do I need to do in order to learn this content?” While the traditional model of schooling depends heavily on compliance, unleashing a sense of ownership for learning can dramatically improve learner performance, even within the legacy education system.


Unsurprisingly, one of the key methods to building ownership for learning is a strategy also employed to build motivation, engagement, and efficacy. This approach offers learners choice and control related to their learning in areas valued by the learner."


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