CEM Blog Series: Racing to the Top to Personalize Learning, Th-Aug 30th @ 1PM ET | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) | Scoop.it

Join us Thursday, August 30th @ 1 PM ET to discuss the RTT-D competition and what the Absolute Priority of creating personalized learning enviroments would mean for you as a teacher, an administrator, a school, or a district.


The RTT-D competition is for LEAs that have the leadership and vision to move beyond the one-size-fits all models, are concerned about inequity for their diverse student population, and are looking at student-focused approaches. Technology levels the playing field for learners, yet just putting technology in the hands of teachers and learners isn’t enough. To be college- and career-ready and to raise the achievement gap across all groups of learners, learners need to know how they learn best and teachers need to understand how their roles will change.