Dave Truss on Inquiry and Personalized Learning | Rethinking Learning - Barbara Bray | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) | Scoop.it

Dave Truss, Vice Principal of the Inquiry Hub in Coquiltam, BC, Canada, shares his thoughts about inquiry and personalized learning. Why questions matter!


In an interview with Dave Truss, he describes the Inquiry Hub, what it will offer students in Grades 8-12 and how it will help students understand how they learn best.  Here is just a glimpse of this in-depth interview:


Q. What is The Inquiry Hub:


"The Inquiry Hub was inspired by conversations around our district vision of “Learning Without Boundaries”."


Q. Can you explain the student-driven inquiry approach to learning?


"We are working on the simple premise that if we help students develop meaningful and engaging questions around their own interests, passions and ideas that matter to them, then the learning will be rich and meaningful to our entire learning community. By helping students connect, create and learn together, we will encourage them to look outside of their box and seek a world of potential."


 Thank you Dave for the inspiration and commitment you have made to the learners in your school!