Personalising learning - Moving Every Learner Forward using a "Personal Journey" | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Kevin McLaughlin shares how he has transformed his classroom by personalising learning for his students.  Here are some of his thoughts as he transforms his classroom.


"Over this new school term I am using a Personalised Learning approach with my class. Every learner has received a Personal Journey which has been drawn up by both myself and the learner. The PJ lasts for one week but can be carried into another week if required. Learners use the PJ every day from the moment they come into my class.


I have never been more excited with learning than I am now, I have never had as much time to focus on teaching as I do now, I have never had as much time to spend with every learner on what they need to move their learning forward as I do now. And this is only day 3. Personalising Learning is nothing new but it is for me. I have started my own Personal Journey and I hope you can join me as I post my findings here and on Twitter."