Students at the Center Project Explores How Students Learn Best | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

The Students at the Center Project provides a set of reports that lay the foundation to understanding student-centered learning and it's promise for transforming education as we know it.  Here are just a few excerpts from reports that were recently released.


"Student-centered approaches to learning reject the one-size-fits-all instruction that can result from pressure to increase student scores on standardized tests. But they do not lower standards or ignore them. Rather, student-centered practices help teachers connect meaningfully with their students and individualize instruction to each, while also taking advantage of the social aspects of learning—adolescents’ propensities to collaborate with their peers. Capitalizing on the adaptability of the brain, student-centered approaches start from the premise that all students can learn when provided with instruction that truly engages them and adapts to their changing needs. All young people can acquire the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed for 21st-century college and career success. These include and go beyond the Common Core State Standards."