Math Pickle - Problem Solving at the Heart of Quality Mathematics Education | Math, Technology and UDL:  Closing the Achievement Gap |

Math Pickle brings challenges and support to every learner in the math class. Dr. Gordon Hamilton proposes that elementary math be abolished and to replace it with problem solving that he sees is at the heart of quality math education.  With the use of video, problems are proposed for every grade level along with a set of teacher resources. 


Here is a testimonial that describes what students experienced with math with Dr. Gord.    

"Dr. Gord worked full time with us for three years. In reflecting on what he brought to our school, I think of the joy the students experienced in working with him. He met groups of students with a wide range of abilities, but he never “watered down” a single challenging thought. Struggling students thrived and those who wanted the most difficult challenges were not disappointed. He teaches the way children learn – through inquiry and tenacious, self-directed thinking!
When it comes to innovative approaches to teaching and learning, Dr. Gord is exemplary."

Doreen Grey
Research & Development
Master’s Academy and College