Math Open Reference - Interactive Simulations for Geometry and More | Math, Technology and UDL:  Closing the Achievement Gap |

Math Open Reference provides interactive simulations that can be used for teaching Plane Geometry, Coordinate Geometry and Trigonometry.  Because the illustrations are interactive and animated, the teacher can use this effectively in teaching all students with this library of 'digital manipulatives'.  At the same time, students could use these interactive simulations to gain a better understanding of geometry concepts, vocabulary and topics.   Most importantly. the interactive tools permit better visualization for learners that have challenges in this area.


Why UDL?  (From the UDL Center)

Math Open Reference is organized into pages that highlight the critical features of geometry concepts. Topics are separated to clarify distinct features. Critical terms are linked directly to a glossary so as not to hinder the viewer based on lack of vocabulary knowledge.


UDL principle:  Multiple Means of Representation - Checkpoint 2.5:  Illustrate through multiple media