Luxembourg Green Exchange: World's first green exchange lists €63 billion in its first year | #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Published on Thursday, 28 September, 2017 at 10:56
(Bloomberg) The Luxembourg Green Exchange, the world’s first bourse for securities related to climate change, listed €63 billion of bonds after one year.

"This far outstripped what we expected,"  Jane Wilkinson, head of sustainable finance at the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, said in a phone interview. "It clearly outstrips the growth we’ve seen in Luxembourg on the regular market, which was stable."

The Luxembourg Green Exchange, also known as the LGX, was set up as a place where investors could be certain that what they were buying was really a green bond. The industry is unregulated to date, although issuers can voluntarily follow frameworks such as the Green Bond Principles or the Climate Bond Initiative. The LGX obliges its issuers to provide full documentation, both before and after issuance.


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