“I speak Luxembourgish, French, German…& Code” | #Coding #Digital4EDUcation #DigitalLuxembourg #Luxembourg #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) | Scoop.it

Learning to code involves many of the same cognitive skills and techniques as learning French, for example. In addition to being a competitive advantage in the workplace of tomorrow (it is no secret that programmers are in high demand), there are other byproducts of learning to code at a young age: problem-solving skills, logical thinking, patience, perseverance and collaboration.

Furthermore, it offers young people an increased awareness both of the world around them and the intricate mosaic of technology behind the videogames they play, the apps they use or the social media networks they surf.

This knowledge allows them to apply math to real-world situations, visualize abstract concepts and let their creativity run wild as they develop apps, websites or video games.


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