Green Spaces to Make Up One-Third of 2,000m² Public Rooftop Garden at Royal Hamilius | #Luxembourg #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) |

The Royal Hamilius project will be bringing the first public rooftop garden to Luxembourg City towards the end of the year.

The 2,000m² rooftop and vertical gardens, designed and planned by JNC International offices, surround the glass atrium of Galeries Lafayette. To access them, visitors will be able to take the panoramic elevators onto the first terrace which opens up to a unique view of Luxembourg City centre.

According to Jérôme Carlier, Project Manager at JNC International: "A plantation made of grass and perennials, all between 60 and 80cm high, give way to tall bushes on stalks. Some facades are adorned with climbing vines, which need a surface to grow on. A surrounding promenade allows for a 360° view of the city around the panoramic MANKO restaurant". He added that "green areas will take up about 30% of the accessible surface of the roof".

The floor covering will be composed of 4cm-thick beige speckled natural stone tiles with a pattern inspired by the design of the glass roof of the atrium. Meanwhile, the terrace level of the restaurant will feature a floor composed of wooden planks.


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