iPad Apps for Kids with LD | Leveling the playing field with apps | Scoop.it

Some iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch apps to make learning easier for kids with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.  Just one more way to level the playing field for these kids!


These iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch apps are well organized and include the following categories:

>  Books

>  Reading

>  Reading - Phonics

>  Reading - Text to Speech

>  Math

>  Math - Calculators

>  Math - Money Skills and Telling Time

>  Writing - Dictation - Handwriting

>  Writing - Graphic Organizers

>  Note-taking

>  Synchronize Documents and Files On-the-Go

>  Organization and Homework Organizer

>  Reminder - Calendar

>  Study Help

>  Science and Geography

>  Research - News

>  Print from iPad

>  Scan and Read