Drexel collaboration leads to VisAssist apps for visually impaired | Leveling the playing field with apps | Scoop.it

In a nine-month senior design project, seven Drexel Univesity students in a computer-science program, chose to do something different: help another set of students who could see more limited horizons because they are blind or visually impaired.


"The tangible result of this unusual collaboration between Drexel and the 180-year-old Overbrook School for the Blind is a set of mobile apps called VisAssist. It could even lead the Drexel students to a start-up company of their own if they choose to go that route.


Three of the five apps, available for now only on Android devices, enable the blind or visually impaired to use Facebook, Twitter, or Wikipedia. The two others are more general-purpose: a faster keyboard – called a BinoBoard, for "binary keyboard" – that works anytime a user needs to type, and a souped-up magnifier called the Contrastinator that helps the user read."