Voice Dream:  Good Text-to-Speech App for PDF's | Leveling the playing field with apps | Scoop.it

"Voice Dream is a low cost ($4.99) app that provides text-to-speech, with a high quality voice, for files that are opened in it on an iDevice. The app has been optimized for both the iPad and the smaller iPhone or iPod Touch.


Voice Dream reads PDF files well, but its developers say that it will also handle ePub, eBook, MS Word, plain text, Apple Pages, MS PowerPoint, RTF and HTML. I’ve tried it with PDF, .txt, PowerPoint, and HTML, and it handled them all well. It is important to note, however, that all formatting on the original file is lost when the file is brought into Voice Dream.


This app offers additional features that can be helpful. First, each word is highlighted in one color as it is read aloud, while the line is highlighted in another color. The user is able to select white text on a dark background, and text size can be adjusted. Finally, Voice Dream works well with DropBox for importing desired reading material."


Thank you Paul for another review of an app that can level the playing field!