HumanWare Communicator iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch App for Deaf-Blind | Leveling the playing field with apps |

"HumanWare, in partnership with Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille (INLB), has unveiled the HumanWare Communicator, the first multilingual face-to-face conversation app for deaf-blind people. This unique app will help deaf-blind individuals communicate on an everyday basis by connecting a HumanWare Braille device (BrailleNote Apex or Brailliant) with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.


Now a deaf-blind person can use Bluetooth connectivity to pair their HumanWare Braille device to an iPhone, iPod, or iPad.


In the absence of an interpreter, the HumanWare Communicator app then facilitates a conversation. The deaf-blind person converses through the Braille device and hands his or her tethered Apple device to the sighted person who uses the touch screen keyboard to respond. The face-to-face conversation appears in real time on both the refreshable Braille display and the iOS devices' screen."