100 of the Best Landing Page Examples Analyzed | KILUVU | Scoop.it

To put this another way, for every $92 of advertising revenue spent, only $1 is being invested into CRO and A/B testing efforts - you know, the part that actually turns your ad dollars into converting leads.

Shocked? We were, too.

Why would anyone throw money down the drain like that? We’re guessing it is probably happening out of ignorance, but if you want more conversions, you can’t afford to ignore landing page trends, best practices, and A/B testing.

This is why we decided to take on a colossal task. We’ve chosen 100 landing page examples and critiqued them on their optimization efforts to show you exactly what works and what doesn’t when it comes to CRO.
We’ll start with the landing page example showcase, showing you a mug shot of every landing page. Then, we will discuss what page elements help the conversion process and which elements are a disgrace to landing page optimization....

Via Jeff Domansky