iPhone and iPad development
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iPhone and iPad development
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Curated by Vincent Demay
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

iOS custom OpenGL transitions

Few days ago I found nice class which handles custom OpenGL UIView transitions http://memention.com/blog/2010/02/28/Bells-and-Whistles.html I would probably stick to it and use it, but unfortunately I didn't like the lag before the animation starts and few details (not working on all orientations ...). So I decided to rewrite it from scratch, make it as fast as possible, and maybe a little bit easier (if possible) to use.

I ended up with HMGLTransitions which you can download from here http://github.com/Split82/HMGLTransitions The biggest difference between this and previously mentioned implementations is that I use singleton object which creates OpenGL context only once. This can drastically improve starting lag of animation. Also I don't resample textures and use exact size. Next "big" thing is that all device orientations are supported. Now everything works nice and smooth (except cloth animation on iPhone 3G and lower ;) There are still some things which should be added and there is also space for some performance enhancements, but for now it's enough and can be used without having any problems on iPhone. On iPad there might be performance issues (starting lag) if the view hierarchy which needs to be rendered to the texture is too complicated.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

How To Choose The Best XML Parser for Your iPhone Project | Ray Wenderlich

How To Choose The Best XML Parser for Your iPhone Project | Ray Wenderlich | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
There are a lot of options when it comes to parsing XML on the iPhone. The iPhone SDK comes with two different libraries to choose from, and there are several popular third party libraries available such as TBXML, TouchXML, KissXML, TinyXML, and GDataXML. How is a developer to choose?
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

thefaj/OpenFlow - GitHub

thefaj/OpenFlow - GitHub | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
CoverFlow API replacement for the iPhone
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Visualizing Data with Core-Plot « RemObjects Blogs

Visualizing Data with Core-Plot «  RemObjects Blogs | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Show a custom popover view within your iPad App | Seaside

Show a custom popover view within your iPad App | Seaside | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
The possibility to show popover views (modal or non modal) is a really cool thing within the new iPhone OS 3.2. It allows you to display important information,
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

epatel/EPGLTransitionView - GitHub

epatel/EPGLTransitionView - GitHub | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
OpenGL ES view for animating a view transition.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

iPhone Sample Code: Tiles | Undefined Value

iPhone Sample Code: Tiles | Undefined Value | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
As an exercise in using the Core Animation API, I've implemented a little iPhone app that reproduces the behavior of the iPhone home screen's icon reorganization interface. (You know, dragging the wiggly icons around.) You can download my sample code to see how it works. Some descriptions of the highlights follow below.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

3 Excellent Books on iPhone Development

3 Excellent Books on iPhone Development | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
iPhone has been a rage among users ever since it was launched in 2007 and it continues to be the leading mobile device today with millions of applications in the App Store. It has revolutionized mobile computing by giving everybody an opportunity to develop their own applications for the platform. You probably want to develop your own iPhone application, but the question is – Where to begin? There are hundreds of books available on iPhone programming, but not all of them are good enough to give you a quick head-start. In this article, we’ll tell you about three excellent book on iPhone development, which can quickly get you started with iPhone (and even iPad!) application development.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Passing around a NSManagedObjectContext on iOS

Passing around a NSManagedObjectContext on iOS | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
A view controller typically shouldn’t retrieve the context from a global object such as the application delegate. This tends to make the application architecture rigid. Neither should a view controller typically create a context for its own use. This may mean that operations performed using the controller’s context aren’t registered with other contexts, so different view controllers will have different perspectives on the data.

When you create a view controller, you pass it a context. You pass an existing context, or (in a situation where you want the new controller to manage a discrete set of edits) a new context that you create for it. It’s typically the responsibility of the application delegate to create a context to pass to the first view controller that’s displayed.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

SDURLCache - GitHub

SDURLCache - GitHub | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
On iPhone OS, Apple did remove on-disk cache support for unknown reason. Some will say it's to save flash-drive life, others will arg it's to save disk capacity. As it is explained in the NSURLCacheStoragePolicy, the NSURLCacheStorageAllowed constant is always treated as NSURLCacheStorageAllowedInMemoryOnly and there is no way to force it back, the code is certainly gone on this platform. For whatever reason Apple removed this feature, you may be interested by having on-disk HTTP request caching in your application. SDURLCache gives back this feature to this iPhone OS for you.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

ELCTextFieldCell – A Useful TableViewCell for Forms

ELCTextFieldCell – A Useful TableViewCell for Forms | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
Hello iCoders, today I am going to be open sourcing a UITableViewCell we have created over at ELC that we have found to be very useful. When developing apps we have found that many times a form of some type is required. This is common in Registration forms, contact forms, feedback forms, etc. The problem was writing the same basic code over and over to have an elegant fast form experience for the user. To quicken the development time of these elements we created the ELCTextFieldCell class which facilitates the creation and flow of a larger form. In this post I will be walking you through the usage of the class.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Expanding/Collapsing UITableView Sections | c o c o a m i n d e d

Expanding/Collapsing UITableView Sections | c o c o a m i n d e d | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
Philippe Casgrain has written an excellent blog post demonstrating “Tap-enabled UITableView section headers (and footers)“. Using a modified version of his implementation, I am going to demonstrate how to create expanding and collapsing UITableView sections using “Tap-enabled UITableView section headers”.
Shahid Iqbal's curator insight, May 2, 2014 4:35 AM

I like ios development..

Scooped by Vincent Demay

Apple’s latest Push Notification certificate changes demystified — 24100.NET

Apple’s latest Push Notification certificate changes demystified — 24100.NET | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
Typical questions, I’ve seen:

* Do we have to recreate our certificates or .pem files?
* Do we have to install any additional certificate on our servers?
* We never installed anything else than the production and sandbox .pem files as outline in Apple’s documentation. Do we now have to install a third certificate and change our existing backend code?
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

UITableView construction, drawing and management (revisited)

UITableView construction, drawing and management (revisited) | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
In this post, I'll show you the current classes I use to construct and manage UITableViews in a number of different projects. This code is an amalgamation and evolution of some ideas that I've presented in a few earlier posts including my posts on heterogenous cells in a table view and easy custom table view drawing. But this implementation also choose to do some things differently in an effort to continuously simplify the task of creating customized tables and views in iOS.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Implementing UITableView Sections from an NSArray of NSDictionary Objects

Implementing UITableView Sections from an NSArray of NSDictionary Objects | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
If you’re working with a remote Web Service, your apps are probably displaying TableViews of objects. As soon as your dataset grows beyond 20 or 30 objects, it’s time to implement sections in your Table View. I’m going to show you how you can do this without too much trouble. In this example, we’ll use an array of dictionary objects (Books) to construct a single ‘sections’ dictionary that will be the basis for our TableView datasource.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Labels in cocos2d | Britney's programming guide

Labels in cocos2d | Britney's programming guide | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
This tutorial will show you how to initialize a Label, change its position, change its color, and change what is displayed in the label.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

iAd Demonstration and Implementation Tutorial

In this video today I demonstrate the new iAd that apple mentioned at WWDC 2010.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Saving/Retrieving Data Using NSUserDefaults

NSUserDefaults is a great and one of the simplest ways to save data and retrieve on the iPhone. Just three lines of code for this tutorial to save the data, and one line of data to retrieve the data. So hope you learned something.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

How To Use In Application Email

In Application Email is a way better to allow your users to send you an email or an email anywhere. This is better then using OpenURL to open the mail app and have the recipient filled in. So hope you learn something and check out the source code below. Study it!
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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis

What Web Developers Should Know about Mobile Safari's iOS 4.2 Update

What Web Developers Should Know about Mobile Safari's iOS 4.2 Update | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
With the release of the iOS 4.2 update yesterday, the major focus was on all the new features iPad users would receive - folders, multitasking and a unified inbox, to name a few. It also offered two major new features for all iOS users (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) - AirPlay and AirPrint, the former for streaming content between Apple devices and the latter for printing from mobile devices to networked printers.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

- iPhone UIPickerView Application from scratch

Very simple iPhone application with UIPickerView, created from scratch, based on Window-Based Application
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

YouTube - Automating Three20 Module Management

Add Three20 to any iOS application in a single command. Never spend time configuring projects manually again.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

An iOS tone generator (an introduction to AudioUnits)

An iOS tone generator (an introduction to AudioUnits) | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
I've previously written posts on playing audio from MP3/AAC files and streams. These posts use the AudioQueue API to play audio. The AudioQueue interface can take audio data — still in compressed formats — and play it on the device output. This decoding/decompressing is the key strength of the AudioQueue APIs and it is the only way to take advantage of the hardware decoding on iOS devices.

However, if you're generating your own audio (and it is therefore already decompressed, linear PCM) you don't need to use AudioQueue. You can still play audio in this format using AudioQueue but the reality is that you'll have more control and be able to do much more if you use the lowest level audio API (lowest in iOS, anyway): the AudioUnit.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Don’t perform network reachability tests in applicationDidFinishLaunching:

Don’t perform network reachability tests in applicationDidFinishLaunching: | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
After looking for a reason why my app crashes at launch time I found out this article on iQuit.
It explains why using SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags() can crashes an application at launch time .

Don’t perform network reachability tests in applicationDidFinishLaunching.
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Scooped by Vincent Demay

Gyroscope: The New Opportunity [U]

Gyroscope: The New Opportunity [U] | iPhone and iPad development | Scoop.it
While the entire world was giddily anticipating the start of World Cup soccer this year, it was nose to the grindstone here at Sourcebits developing new soccer madness updates of Funbooth for Mac and iPhone. Work notwithstanding, our development team had serious fun during production of these applications. Throughout the beta testing and QA we were constantly capturing images of ourselves in the props of the teams we support, and we made the most of the new social features with the on-the-fly uploading to Facebook and Twitter. And at the same time, our gaming wing guys at Wandake were busy putting the finishing touches on their now-huge hit Wake Up the Box! for iPhone and iPad. So it was a real party at times.
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Curated by Vincent Demay
Development Manager @ Scoop.it - http://www.scoop.it
iPad, iPhone and Android developer
Geek :)