Making to Learn: Innovation and Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
The following is a guest post by Fran Kompar.  Fran is the Director, Digital Learning for Wilton Public Schools in Connecticut, who offers us insight into a fabulous professional learning exercise surrounding making, design thinking and entepreneurship.  It is my hope that readers will bring the learning experience that Fran outlines, back to their own school districts.

I am thrilled to be a guest author for this blog.  The following details the “Making to Learn” journey taken by teams of educators from Fairfield County, Connecticut. The experiences of this group, provides a connection to GREAT Makerspaces and the endless possibilities they provide in supporting a school’s plan for Social Emotional Learning, STEM, Personalized Learning, Inquiry, Reading, Math and Computational Thinking.  In fact, we can expand on the 21st Century Skills and develop our own 2025 vision for our students as confident, creative, collaborative and caring citizens – the new 4C’s.