Sphero’s in the Classroom – | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
There are many tools, resources, and applications that can be used to enhance student learning and develop their lifelong learning skills. The Sphero is one of these tools. It is amazingly versatile and will engage and empower your students. A tennis ball sized robot connected via bluetooth to a mobile device, the Sphero can be used to transform teaching and learning across various curriculum areas.

The Sphero can roll at a speed of up to 7km/h in any direction, spin, flip, and change colour. Using a range of Apps students can accurately direct the movement of the Sphero using code.

Creatively designed lessons incorporating Sphero’s can develop many of the attributes we want for our learners. Students will be designing and creating code to direct the Sphero while connecting, communicating, collaborating, problem solving, testing, failing, and iterating, all key characteristics of 21st century learners.

Here are some of my favourite lessons using Spheros;