The Tides of Online Learning Have Turned… What’s Next? | @krissyvenosdale  | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
Along came social media. The blog, shortened in format, became 140 characters.  Instagram and Facebook became quick photo shares. It became easy to grow a huge network of other educators. Clicking ‘like’ and leaving comments.  It was glorious really.  Empowering to feel like you were leading others as they were leading you.  You were never alone and the learning never slept.  Neither did I. I remember when Twitter first started.  I remember one of the first times I really connected with other classrooms.  I immediately was drawn in by the power… asking questions and getting answers. Reading the tweets of others who pushed my thinking.  There was this reciprocal of open sharing.   The truth is, the friends I met during those early days of Twitter are deep, deep friends today. People I see in person, people I treasure as friends.  The relationships built in the early sharing of Twitter were strong, real, and awesome. The power of the PLN was a real thing. “Personal Learning Network”