Teaching fact vs. fiction when seeing is no longer believing | ISTE | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
According to the Pew Research Center, roughly two-thirds of Americans report getting their news from social media. This alone should be a significant finding for those of us who are in the business of helping young people navigate news and information. But when we dig a little deeper, the implications grow: Pew also found that in addition to being the second-most-popular search engine in the world, Youtube is ALSO the most popular social media source for news. (This is really important, especially when we consider how many students today aspire to be YouTubers.) That said, while Facebook continues to appear at the top of that list, it’s also true that over 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook every day. And since much of that is cross-posted from YouTube, it’s clear that Americans of all ages are increasingly turning to video as one of their most trusted forms of information — including news. And that’s cool, because seeing is believing, right?  

Well … no. Not exactly.