31 Day Zero Waste Challenge - For Kids! | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
I have been hard at work on this 31-day challenge, and I am so excited to share it with you! Rebecca, a middle school math and science teacher in the bay area, had a fabulous idea for Zero Waste October. It would be full of activities for students and teachers to talk about the global trash problem. 

It's similar to Plastic-Free July but focused more on students. Since July is in the summer, it's difficult to get kids involved. When Rebecca reached out to me about crafting a curriculum, I jumped at the chance.

It's inspired by the 30-Day Challenge I created with Andrea from Be Zero, but with a lot of new challenges specifically for students and kids. I really hope you enjoy it!

Grab a copy of the booklet below and save a copy of the calendar. Set it as your phone or tablet background so you can easily keep up.