Start the Year with Hexagonal Identity One-Pagers :: Betsy Mork | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
When it comes to the first day of school, what you want is a rock solid activity you can enjoy from the background. Or is that just me? There’s enough stress around that first day already, no need to stand in the spotlight trying to hold everyone’s attention for forty-five minutes.

So today I have a quick and fun activity for you (apologies for the lack of a podcast this week, I’ve been really sick all week, so we’re going short and sweet today!).

Why not try hexagonal identity one-pagers? While I still love the name tent one-pagers I’ve always pushed for on day one, you can do a fun version of them by having kids share about themselves on a hexagon shaped one-pager instead. The extension here is that they can then connect their work to the work of the rest of the class in an epic web up on the wall.

I’ve been seeing lots of teachers experimenting with using hexagonal thinking to help kids get to know each other in different ways, with and without the graphic elements of the one-pager, and this is my twist!

Via Jim Lerman