Makerspaces Around the World - Worlds of Learning @LFlemingEDU | Into the Driver's Seat |

"One of the most rewarding parts about writing my new book, The Kickstart Guide to Making Great Makerspaces (Fall 2017), was the opportunity to highlight and feature GREAT makerspaces all around the world. I recently interviewed some of the people behind these spaces to provide us with the opportunity to take a deeper dive into their amazing work. I would like to thank Dodji Hanou of the DefkoAkNiep makerspace in Senegal, Gabriela Augustini of the Olabi Makerspace in Brazil, Miracule Gover of the Tuce Makerspace in Ghana, and Marco Mout of the Walhallab in the Netherlands for taking the time to answer my questions. I am thrilled to say that I now consider all of these people valued friends and colleagues that I learn from on a daily basis and I cannot thank them enough for their contributions. It is my hope that their insight will allow us all to see makerspaces from other perspectives and to learn and grow from what is being done in other parts of the world. "

Via John Evans