Gender and Literature
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Gender and Literature
On women writers and gender issues in literature
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Nobel odds: Annie Ernaux is the favourite to win this year’s prize for literature | Books | The Guardian

Nobel odds: Annie Ernaux is the favourite to win this year’s prize for literature | Books | The Guardian | Gender and Literature |
Ernaux, who writes novels about daily life in France, is one of her country’s most acclaimed authors. Could she win the world’s most prestigious literary prize on Thursday?
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A Deep, Feminist Dive Into Autotheory

A Deep, Feminist Dive Into Autotheory | Gender and Literature |

"In 'Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism', Lauren Fournier considers what it means, in the bell hooks sense, to bring everyday life to theory.

Conversations about how to decolonize academia often pretzel into well-intentioned handwringing about diversifying faculty hires, or navigating its “publish or perish” tenure track. And theory, widely understood within academia as a well-substantiated, but also systematic explanation of facts and observations, often perpetuates its vertical pipelines of colonial thinking. This approach, which values above all logic, hegemony, and the still-frequent citation of works written by white men, isn’t necessarily for everyone. 

Autotheory, then, has been regarded as a way of dismantling these barriers, and is more horizontal. It centers and legitimizes individual, bodily experiences as a means of processing knowledge production — basically, a way of thinking through “high” cultural theory via our physical, embodied selves."

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The androgyny of being Ernest: A gender-fluid reading of Hemingway that upends his macho image |

The androgyny of being Ernest: A gender-fluid reading of Hemingway that upends his macho image | | Gender and Literature |
PBS' "Hemingway" docuseries touches on the author's exploration of gender, but his writing revealed much more to me...
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The 2021 Women's Prize for Fiction Names a 16-Title Longlist

The 2021 Women's Prize for Fiction Names a 16-Title Longlist | Gender and Literature |
With six nationalities represented and the same number of debuts this year, the Women's Prize for Fiction plans a July winner's announcement.
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What I learned from reading books by women from every country in the world | Sophie Baggott | Books | The Guardian

What I learned from reading books by women from every country in the world | Sophie Baggott | Books | The Guardian | Gender and Literature |
In three years, I’ve been enchanted, surprised and shocked by the stories told by women of all nations – and inspired by the solidarity they show
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Rooms of Their Own: Where Some of the Best Women Writers Created Art ‹ Literary Hub

Rooms of Their Own: Where Some of the Best Women Writers Created Art ‹ Literary Hub | Gender and Literature |

"Virginia Woolf laid out her views pretty clearly in A Room of One’s Own, the book-length essay based on the lectures on Women and Fiction that she gave at two colleges in 1928: “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.” She could afford to be an idealist, but for the rest of us, a quiet place to work without distractions is difficult to come by (and money is an entirely separate matter). So how did Woolf and other female writers create their own writing spaces?"

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Blog Archive Feminize Your Canon: Etty Hillesum

Blog Archive Feminize Your Canon: Etty Hillesum | Gender and Literature |

"In 1942, the year before she died in Auschwitz at age twenty-nine, the Dutch diarist and mystic Etty Hillesum wrote: “I have the feeling that my life is not yet finished, that it is not yet a rounded whole. A book, and what a book, in which I have got stuck halfway. I would so much like to read on.”"

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Festival international des écrits de femmes 

Festival international des écrits de femmes  | Gender and Literature |

Orientales - 12 & 13 octobre 2019

Des deux côtés de la Méditerranée, des femmes disent et écrivent leur liberté. Après plusieurs éditions thématiques, le Festival international des écrits de femmes s’intéresse cette année à une zone géographique et culturelle aux vastes contours : l’Orient. Un Orient rêvé d’abord, que quelques écrivains et figures intellectuelles françaises et européennes intègrent dans leurs romans puis imaginent de visiter, de comprendre et de commenter ; un Orient vécu ensuite par des écrivaines et intellectuelles contemporaines du Moyen-Orient et du Maghreb, qui tout au long du XXe siècle et plus encore aujourd’hui interrogent leur identité orientale et imaginent un autre avenir pour l’Orient.

En savoir plus:

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“Féminismes”, thème du 5e Festival International des Ecrits de Femmes

“Féminismes”, thème du 5e Festival International des Ecrits de Femmes | Gender and Literature |

"La Maison de Colette à Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye organise les 8 et 9 octobre 2016 la cinquième édition du Fief, Festival International des Ecrits de Femmes. Cette manifestation gratuite aura pour thème "Féminismes" et accueillera cette année, entre autres, Laure Adler, Catherine Clément, Leïla Sebbar, Julia Kristeva, Josyane Savigneau, Pinar Selek..."

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New Study Shows Gender Gap Narrowing in Book Coverage

New Study Shows Gender Gap Narrowing in Book Coverage | Gender and Literature |
A new study of literary publications finds that men remain the majority of book reviewers and authors reviewed, but the gap is narrowing.
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L'égalité hommes-femmes : L'édition ne se sent pas concernée

L'égalité hommes-femmes : L'édition ne se sent pas concernée | Gender and Literature |

Ainsi, La Barbe, collectif féministe, est venue « perturber » l’attribution du prix Goncourt, comme cela se lit dans la presse. Et ce, pour soulever le lièvre : les prix sont machistes, et le Goncourt l’illustre tristement. Plus d’hommes récompensés que de femmes, « et même Beauvoir en 54 pour ses Mandarins, ça ressemble à de la femme alibi », nous explique La Barbe. Pourtant, la mixité et l’égalité hommes/femmes sont des sujets qui occupent l’édition...

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Royaume-Uni : les hommes, sexe faible en rythme de lecture

Royaume-Uni : les hommes, sexe faible en rythme de lecture | Gender and Literature |

"Comme la plupart des pays industrialisés, le Royaume-Uni s'inquiète d'un certain désamour pour la lecture, concurrencée par de nombreux autres loisirs, bientôt aussi faciles d'accès que les livres. Un sondage mené par The Reading Agency, organisme de promotion des livres, estime ainsi que 63 % des hommes britanniques ne lisent pas assez, selon leur propre aveu."

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Lecture et «genre»

Lecture et «genre» | Gender and Literature |
"Selon certains dirigeants de droite, le rôle de l'Ecole devrait se limiter au « lire, écrire, compter » sans se préoccuper d'autre chose, et en particulier des inégalités de ''genre''. Mais il y a deux fois plus de garçons en échec que de filles en lecture. Serait-ce un « détail » ?"
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Jeanette Winterson: ‘The male push is to discard the planet: all the boys are going off into space’ | Jeanette Winterson | The Guardian

Jeanette Winterson: ‘The male push is to discard the planet: all the boys are going off into space’ | Jeanette Winterson | The Guardian | Gender and Literature |
The writer’s new essay collection covers 200 years of women and science.
She discusses burning books and the ensuing Twitter storm, the end of her marriage, and why a move into politics could be next
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Women Writers on the Environment, Nature, Exploration, and Nature Travel (217 books)

Women Writers on the Environment, Nature, Exploration, and Nature Travel (217 books) | Gender and Literature |
217 books based on 19 votes: Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard, Sola: One Woman's...
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Eccentricity as Feminism - The Paris Review

Eccentricity as Feminism - The Paris Review | Gender and Literature |
Olga Tokarczuk on Leonora Carrington’s ‘The Hearing Trumpet,’ which introduces eccentricity as a legitimate alternative to the patriarchal perspective.
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Reading past feminists, I understand how writing things down can be a political act | Books | The Guardian

Reading past feminists, I understand how writing things down can be a political act | Books | The Guardian | Gender and Literature |
Digging through archives, White Feminism author Koa Beck found records of racist and exclusionary tactics used against people of colour that had eerie echoes with today
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Marieke Lucas Rijneveld writes poem about Amanda Gorman furore | Poetry | The Guardian

Marieke Lucas Rijneveld writes poem about Amanda Gorman furore | Poetry | The Guardian | Gender and Literature |
Exclusive: in Everything inhabitable, published in the Guardian, the Dutch writer responds to controversy over the decision to appoint a white translator to the black poet’s book
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A Voice in French Literature: Her Own - The New York Times

A Voice in French Literature: Her Own - The New York Times | Gender and Literature |
Since the 1970s, Annie Ernaux has poured a lifetime of memories into her intensely personal books. Now, readers in English are catching on.
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The Secret Feminist History of Shakespeare and Company | by Caitlin O’Keefe | NYR Daily

The Secret Feminist History of Shakespeare and Company | by Caitlin O’Keefe | NYR Daily | Gender and Literature |
“Certain people are meant to be midwives—not mothers of invention. Sylvia was one,” wrote Noël Riley Fitch, author of Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation (1983), in the most recent introduction to a collection of Beach’s letters. Yet to characterize Beach as merely a “midwife” and to remember her primarily for bringing into being the work of Great Men is to misrepresent her and the everyday work of her shop. Revisiting the story behind Shakespeare and Company’s creation reveals that its roots lie in early twentieth-century feminist activism and, in particular, Beach’s own deep-rooted conviction that women had a right to an intellectual life. 
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Écrivaines féministes du Maroc:  Sanaa El Aji, Karima Ahdad & Fedwa Misk /  BOZAR Bruxelles, 09.10.2019

Écrivaines féministes du Maroc:  Sanaa El Aji, Karima Ahdad & Fedwa Misk /  BOZAR Bruxelles, 09.10.2019 | Gender and Literature |

Outre ses traditions littéraires séculaires, le Maroc ne manque pas non plus de jeunes auteures féministes. BOZAR a invité trois écrivaines engagées, qui témoignent du multilinguisme et de la diversité du pays. Les auteures discuteront de leur œuvre et en liront des extraits. À travers leurs écrits, elles brisent les stéréotypes, les tabous et les préjugés liés au sexe, au corps féminin et à la sexualité. Quel rôle a joué la femme dans la révolution arabe ? Et comment ce rôle se reflète-t-il dans la littérature marocaine actuelle ?

In Morocco today young feminist voices are to be heard in a country whose literary traditions stretch back over centuries. BOZAR has extended an invitation to three socially committed Moroccan authoresses in what is also a tribute to the country's multilingualism and diversity. The writers will engage in conversation and present excerpts of their work. A work that contradicts stereotypes, taboos and expectations regarding gender, the female body and sexuality. What role did women play in the Arab revolution? And how is this reflected in contemporary Moroccan literature?

BOZAR, Bruxelles, 09.10.2019 - 20:00

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"Auteure" Autrice"... Éliane Viennot décrit son combat pour une langue française non sexiste,

"Auteure" Autrice"... Éliane Viennot décrit son combat pour une langue française non sexiste, | Gender and Literature |

Depuis le XVIIe siècle, les intellectuels s’acharnent contre l’appellation d’« autrice », disqualifiant les femmes du milieu des lettres. Aujourd’hui, l’Académie française s’oppose toujours fermement à la féminisation des noms de métiers prestigieux, bien que ceux-ci s’immiscent progressivement dans les usages... À l’occasion de la publication de son nouvel ouvrage ce mois-ci, intitulé L’Académie contre la langue française : le dossier « féminisation », l’historienne et militante féministe Éliane Viennot décrit son combat pour une langue française non sexiste, ainsi que la condition des femmes dans le milieu du livre.

Via MHB Numerik
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L'inégalité entre hommes et femmes persiste dans le monde du livre

L'inégalité entre hommes et femmes persiste dans le monde du livre | Gender and Literature |

À l'occasion de la journée internationale des droits des femmes, l'Observatoire de l'égalité entre femmes et hommes dans la culture et la communication a publié son quatrième rapport annuel sur le sujet, pour l'année 2015. Si quelques progrès sont à souligner, il ne fait toujours pas bon être une femme dans le domaine de la culture et du livre, que ce soit au niveau des récompenses ou de la présence dans les manifestations.

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List of Literary Journals for LGBTQ Writers, Women, and Writers of Color

List of Literary Journals for LGBTQ Writers, Women, and Writers of Color | Gender and Literature |

In a previous post, I mentioned my desire to compile a list of journals and presses that exclusively focus on publishing underrepresented voices, such as women, LGBTQ writers, and writers of color. I’ve finally managed to pull something together that hopefully may prove to be a good starting point and resource for those writers who may wish to find a good home for their writing. Or maybe readers who wish to read more widely or diversely.

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Be a girl with a mind, be treated like a dog standing on its hind legs | Feminist Times

Be a girl with a mind, be treated like a dog standing on its hind legs | Feminist Times | Gender and Literature |
Kat Lister raises a popular question once more: do we really need a women's book prize?
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