Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication
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Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication
This is an online magazine by Bovee & Thill, the leading authors in business communication, and the only authors who provide fully integrated coverage of Business Communication 2.0 in each of their business communication textbooks, published by Pearson. For more information about Bovee & Thill's texts and the exclusive, superior coverage they give to Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication, visit For instructor examination copies, go to To find your local Pearson sales representative, visit To contact the authors, use this form: To get a free Comprehensive Guide to Business Communication Instructional Resources, visit Subscribe to a free weekly newsletter of new posts to all 11 of Bovee & Thill's Online Magazines:
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Panasonic's Human Blinkers Help People Concentrate in Open-Plan Offices. What's Your Opinion?

Panasonic's Human Blinkers Help People Concentrate in Open-Plan Offices. What's Your Opinion? | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
Panasonic's Future Life Factory is developing wearable blinkers, designed to limit your sense of sound and sight, and help you focus on what's directly in front of you.


Also see: Students Wear Blinkers During Exam To Stop Cheating

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Why the Future of Social Media Will Depend on Artificial Intelligence

Why the Future of Social Media Will Depend on Artificial Intelligence | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn must use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make sense of the sea of human data coming at them. So, you can say, future of social media really depends upon AI.

Timoteo Guzman's curator insight, May 24, 3:07 PM
Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing social media by managing massive amounts of user-generated data to provide actionable insights. Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are already using AI to improve user engagement, content moderation, and job matching. The future of social media will increasingly rely on AI to drive innovation and efficiency.!

How to Make Blogging Easier with Artificial Intelligence

How to Make Blogging Easier with Artificial Intelligence | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

Blogging can be made significantly easier, faster, and more impactful using artificial intelligence. Here’s how.

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The Best Search Engines of 2018

The Best Search Engines of 2018 | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
There are so many search engines out there! But you only need these tools to find the best of the web today. Bing, Dogpile, Google Scholar and more!
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The Future of Communication: Augmented Writing

The Future of Communication: Augmented Writing | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

What’s the best way to say this?

That’s a never-ending question for the typical business communicator. For just about anything beyond the simplest messages, we can never be entirely sure that we’ve found the most powerful words or crafted the most effective phrases. We have to send our missives out into the ether and hope we’ve done our best.

Moreover, in many cases, we get only one chance to hit the mark. In contrast to interactive conversations (in person or online), where we get instant feedback and can adjust the message if needed, a lot of business writing is a one-shot affair and we’ll never know if we’ve been as effective as we could be.

Digital tools have been assisting writers for decades, as far back as spell checkers that predate the PC era, but most haven’t done much beyond applying simple rules. However, recent advances in natural language processing show some potential to fill this feedback void by providing instantaneous advice about the effectiveness of our language. . .

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The Future of Communication: The Internet of Things

The Future of Communication: The Internet of Things | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the several billion devices now connected to the Internet and the networking potential of having all these gadgets communicate with each other, feed data into powerful analysis and control algorithms, and interact with people and the physical environment.


These “things” range from simple sensors that measure temperature, location, and other parameters all the way up to robots and other complex systems. People and animals with Internet-capable sensors (such as implanted chips) or devices also qualify as things in this model.


Imagine you walk into a department store and your mobile phone automatically gives you directions to the aisle where you could find the clothing styles you have recently been browsing online or discussing in social media. When you reach that aisle, a coupon pops up on your phone with a discount on the specific items you’re considering.


When you pull a garment off the rack, the store’s customer database checks other purchases you’ve made and suggests which items you already own that coordinate with this piece. If you could use an accessory to complete the outfit, the store’s computers can tell your phone just where to take you. And if you need more advice, you can text or talk—and possibly not know whether you’re conversing with a store employee or an automated chat algorithm. . .

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How Biometrics Will Change 21st Century Communications

How Biometrics Will Change 21st Century Communications | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

"Biometrics will play a major role in different industries, from medicine, science, robotics, engineering, manufacturing and all areas of vertical enterprise businesses.


"Smartphones, in particular, help enable these services. Imagine an eye exam conducted by scanning your iris with your iPhone. Or an android app that can measure the effectiveness of a pill through a biometric chipset that dissolves when digested." . . .

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One Author Team Is Remarkably Reversing a Trend in Lagging Technology Coverage

Business communication textbooks have all lagged in covering communication technology, but one author team is remarkably reversing the trend.
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Social Media Tools: The Complete List

Social Media Tools: The Complete List | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
This is the complete list of the best social media tools you need to use. After testing 270 tools, I filtered out the best social media tools for you.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

This is the largest collection of social media tools on the planet.


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Email Can Spell Disaster for Leaders

Email Can Spell Disaster for Leaders | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

"Every leader is guilty of having used email rather than talking to someone in person. "

Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:


"We’ve all done it: Every leader is guilty of having used email rather than talking to someone in person. When I worked in a corporate office, it was commonplace to send emails to team members whose offices were only a short distance down the hall.


"That’s because email is easier and faster than having a conversation. And, as an added bonus, there’s a record of the transaction (just in case you need proof later on). The problem, however, is when leaders use email in place of face-to-face communication more often than they should."

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CHATBOTS EXPLAINED: Why the world's most powerful tech companies think they're the biggest thing since the iPhone

CHATBOTS EXPLAINED: Why the world's most powerful tech companies think they're the biggest thing since the iPhone | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
So what are these chatbots, and why is everyone obsessed?
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Top 10 Business Communication Trends

Top 10 Business Communication Trends | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

"An abundance of new communication technologies and services are being offered. It is essential for businesses and instructors to be aware of the latest trends."

Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

Here are the 10 top trends in business communication.

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Can Your Business Communication Textbook Pass This Simple Technology Test?

Can Your Business Communication Textbook Pass This Simple Technology Test? | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

Take this "yes" or "no" 25-question test now!

Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's curator insight, July 29, 2013 5:15 PM

Technology is affecting almost every aspect of business communication today. Is your business communication textbook keeping up to date? Find out now by taking this simple test.!

Slack Changing Workplace Communication

Slack Changing Workplace Communication | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
Slack is rapidly taking over as the leading platform for office and team communication. Here's how you can optimize it for your business.
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Science: You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish

Science: You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

"The average attention span for the notoriously ill-focused goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a new study from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting the affects of an increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain."

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From Chatbots to VR: How Technology Is Forcing Business Communication to Both Poles of the Humanness Spectrum

From Chatbots to VR: How Technology Is Forcing Business Communication to Both Poles of the Humanness Spectrum | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

Businesses can only operate as effectively as they can communicate. The ability to share information, develop relationships, and negotiate will define enterprise success."

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The Future of Communication: Haptic Technologies

The Future of Communication: Haptic Technologies | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

As the most intimate form of communication, touch can convey shades of emotion and meaning in ways that other forms can’t match. Think of the range of messages you can send by the way you greet someone, for example. A firm handshake, a light kiss on the cheek, an awkward embrace, and a fist bump all send different nonverbal signals.


Touch is a vital aspect of human-to-human and human-to-machine interaction, but it is missing from most forms of digital communication. You can’t give someone a hearty handshake over email or feel the vibration patterns of a machine while viewing it over a video link.


However, the field of haptic technology is enabling touch and tactile sensations in a growing number of ways. Mobile devices and wearables such as smartwatches are incorporating haptic input and output in ways that simulate the nuances of human touch or offer sensory substitution—using haptic feedback to translate visual or auditory information into vibration and pressure. When combined with virtual reality, haptics can create simulations so realistic they are being used to train surgeons and nuclear power plant technicians. . .

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The Future of Communication: Real-Time Translation

The Future of Communication: Real-Time Translation | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

Trying to converse in a language in which you are not fully fluent presents a rather staggering cognitive workload. As a listener, you have to convert the incoming sounds to discrete words and assemble those words into coherent phrases and sentences in order to extract the meaning—and if the other party uses idioms or slang, the task can get exponentially harder.


And unlike reading a written document, you have to do all this processing almost instantaneously, without the luxury of going back over something you didn't get.


As a speaker, you have to find the right words, assemble them into phrases and sentences using the language’s grammar rules, and then pronounce them all correctly enough so they make sense to the other party. Honing this level of proficiency can take years of study and practice.

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Business Communication in a Digital, Mobile, Social World

Hands-on advice for communicating successfully in a digital, mobile, social world.
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The Future of Communication: Socialbots and Taskbots

The Future of Communication: Socialbots and Taskbots | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

With advances in artificial intelligence and the growing use of messaging systems for both consumer and business communication, a new wave of bots as personal assistants has taken off.

Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:


Major categories of bot technology include taskbots that perform routine chores within digital systems and socialbots that mimic human conversation. Learn why Bovee & Thill are covering both these categories in their business communication textbooks.

Angel Sanchez's curator insight, December 1, 2017 10:49 AM

The article talks about robots and how the future of business communication is going to be based in robots and artificial intelligence bots, which will answer to online consumers.!

Your IQ Drops 10 Points and Other Scary Side Effects of Frequently Checking Email

Your IQ Drops 10 Points and Other Scary Side Effects of Frequently Checking Email | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
You should probably email this to your friends.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

"We spend 13 hours a week on email and unlock our phones 110 times a day.  What is that doing to our brains? 

The short answer is it's making them worse, according to the Harvard Business Review and other sources. . .'

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Follow-Up Emails Are 'the key to success in any field' — Here's Exactly What to Write

Follow-Up Emails Are 'the key to success in any field' — Here's Exactly What to Write | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
The author of the classic career guide "Never Eat Alone" explains why the follow-up "is the key to success in any field."
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:


"The most memorable gifts I have ever received are those whose value could not be measured in terms of dollars and cents," Ferrazzi wrote. "They are the heartfelt letters, e-mails, and cards I receive from people thanking me for guidance and advice."


Angel Sanchez's curator insight, December 1, 2017 10:52 AM

The article tell us  about how to be different to others when you meet someone, a follow up email will distinguish you from the other 95% of the other peers that met that same person.!

How 3D Technology Will Transform Business Communication

How 3D Technology Will Transform Business Communication | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

3D imaging could vastly improve virtual meetings and presentations by making them “immersive.”

Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

"3D imaging could vastly improve virtual meetings and presentations by making them “immersive.” Applications that use depth-sensing technology can extract individuals from their surroundings and “place” them into 3D virtual meetings with their colleagues, or even into a virtual “space” with data objects—documents, presentations or what-have-you—they can manipulate and display. It’s basically the same thing you’d do with a digital-effects green screen, only without the green screen.


"Immersive meetings will let business types interact more directly with their customers or colleagues and to present data, images and video more the way they might in a face-to-face meeting—only with way more flair. This sort of immersion will become a core capability for all online collaboration."

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Give Your Instagram Following a Boost for Business Communication

Give Your Instagram Following a Boost for Business Communication | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |
Instagram offers unprecedented untapped potential for any business. Follow along and I'll share 5 ways to skyrocket your following in less than a week

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's comment, October 4, 2016 10:45 AM
Thank you @Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines :-)
janlgordon's comment, October 7, 2016 11:00 PM
Thank you @MiniTool Software :-)
janlgordon's comment, October 18, 2016 10:47 AM
Thank you @Patries :-)!

How to Respond to Rude Email at Work

How to Respond to Rude Email at Work | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

"You've reread it three times and still it seems like the email message was nothing but rude. But should you call the sender and clarify if he or she meant to be rude... or not?"

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