What is the role of storytelling in PR? | A New Society, a new education! | Scoop.it
Are you sitting comfortably? Then listen to PR leaders discussing the power of storytelling to build brands and energise businesses (Interesting read "@ThePRCoach: Good read: What is the role of #storytelling in #PR?


I love this post that reminds us all about the power of storytelling for businesses. Here Public Relations leaders share with us how stories are critical to use in business for branding and building a strong customer base.


Stories are everywhere, but the real trick is the following, says Tom Watson, professor of public relations at Bournemouth University: “For brand communicators, the challenge is to create narratives that are deserving of trust by their target markets and sustainable over time."

I also like what Kevin Murray, chairman of PR agency the Good Relations Group, says: “I use stories to entertain people at dinner parties to amuse. But in business you need to tell stories that make a difference.” Good point! 


Go read what the PR professionals in the article have to say. There are great insights.


Link to original article: http://prmoment.com/1212/What-is-the-role-of-storytelling-in-PR.aspx ;


This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at www.scoop.it/t/just-story-it ;